Sunday, July 5, 2015

07-03-2015 Weekly Results

The first week of July was OK. Of course, the Russel charts were relentless winners now that I have reduced the number of contracts - but that's how it goes. I'm hoping that adding the two DAX charts and the Dow chart will smooth out the rough spots.

Better than break even - but not much better

Friday, July 3, 2015

07-03-2015 Results

Today the stock markets were closed - but the futures market was open so the system still traded.
It got off to a rough start with 2 losses on the DAX charts - and I had turned off the Dow chart because while the futures market was open, it was scheduled to close early - and I didn't want to have a problem with the Dow chart since it can trade at any time. All the other charts were winners.

Today's Action:

07-02-2015 Results

Didn't have a chance to post at the end of the day because I had a chance to go fishing - and I did. I'm not going to post any charts - but they all won except for the 1min DAX chart

Today's Action:

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

07-01-2015 results

The first day of July.
I made some changes last night -
1) I stopped trading the 19min Russell chart - I'll watch it for a while before I turn it on again. I replaced it with another 5min chart with updated paramenters
2) I lowered the number of contracts traded per chart
3) I added a 1 minute DAX chart - so now there are two charts trading at or about 2am every day
4) I added a DOW chart (YM) to the mix - I'll keep an eye on this one.

The two DAX charts both lost early which kinda put a damper on the day. The other charts won and made it better, but the smaller number of contracts didn't quite generate enough to offset the early morning loss.

Today's Action:

 tough morning

 tough morning

 great - but only 2 contracts (was trading 3 )

 great - but only 2 contracts (was trading 5 )

 The new chart won on its first day - good

The new Dow chart lost today but I think it will be a good trading chart for the system.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

06-30-2015 Monthly Results June 2015

What I got in June was what I was worried about getting in May. All of my systems historically have had tough times in the summer months - that's why May surprised me. As good as May was, June was just terrible trading. I made a decision at the end of MAY to increase the number of contracts on each chart  - I probably should not have done that just because it was summer - that was a bad decision.

A good trader must learn from what happens to the charts in real time and take advantage of the pureness of "LIVE" trading - there simply is no good substitute for live market action. Some things I am considering for the future:
1) possibly scaling out of trades when trading multiple contracts
2) possibly moving my stop to break even when the chart gets close to a profit target - so it cannot turn into a loss
3) trading more charts with less contracts - still a good idea, but remember that's where I started. The more charts in play, the more likely that one of them will "break" on you and dig a money pit before you decide its broken.

The portfolio lost $2567 this month - not earth shattering, but considering that I traded 242 contracts this month its not very good either.

06-30-2015 Results

What a difference a month can make - 30 days ago I was planning all the fishing trips I would be taking after my early retirement - now I'm wondering if I need to make some serious changes to the process I'm following. The market sure can dish out a good beating - and that's what the system got this month. At least the month is over -

There was a technical problem with the DAX chart this morning so it did not trade like it should have - if it had, it would have made about $490 - bummer.

Today's Action:

 this chart got within 3 ticks of being a big winner before sticking a knife in me

 This chart got within two ticks of a great day

This one decided to hurt me this month and today was no exception - I may turn this one off for a while

Monday, June 29, 2015

06-29-2015 Results

The market started out crappy and sure enough it was a crappy day...

Today's Action:

 This is the first loss for this chart - that, coupled with the Greek crisis, which was felt first in Europe made this too volatile to handle today

 Just barely squeezed by on this chart - good money if you can get it.

 The other charts got within a couple of ticks to be winners, but the volatility was too much for the down side

Ditto here