Wednesday, February 25, 2015

02-25-2015 Results

Better - not great - but better. I turned off both bond charts last night, so today was only trading the 2 Russell charts and the S&P chart. I'm gonna re-evaluate the bond charts before turning them back on and I am looking hard at several others that I can add - The plan is to keep at least 5 charts running all the time... always something to do...

Today's Action:

 The S&P chart took some heat before making money, but it stayed balanced against the Russell chart - which is exactly what it should do - I still like this chart and I am trying hard to make more just like it

 The 7:30 Russell chart did well today after a zig-zag start... Also, I made two small changes to the parameters on this chart - the biggest change being to the trailing stop function - it will now tend to get out quicker when it reaches a certain amount of profit - which it did perfectly today. This chart would have been a break even trade had I left that trailing stop as it was, so I will leave those changes in place for a while and see how it goes.

 The 11:15 Russell chart didn't quite make enough profit to kick in the trailing stop before it got swept up in the direction change to the down-side - that's how it goes.

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