Wednesday, January 28, 2015

01-28-2015 Results

Today was shaping up to be much better - BUT - it was also a Fed Day (Fed Announcement). When the Fed announcement happened, it caused a shake up that messed up my trades - that's how it goes. I had a little technical issue with the Russell chart. I think that when I was messing around last night doing some testing, I must have turned the automation on and off which re-started the counter used to set up the orders for the trade.... so the chart went long and it should have gone short... a $1500 lesson well learned. Murphy's Law is alive and well. I actually knew this could happen and I didn't catch that I did that until it was too late.

I made a few changes last night  - The Bonds chart is now trading 2 contracts (was 1)... and the Russell chart is now trading 3 contracts (was 2). I also added one more chart to the mix. The new chart is a Dow futures 5 minute running a different strategy than the other charts - the idea is more diversification. Obviously, I'm betting that this little ugly week will end and the money will start flowing in again.... we will see.

Today's Action:

 The early S&P system went almost straight down - just ugly. The red bars at the bottom right of the chart are telling me to stop trading this chart. Not sure if I will stop or not. I have another S&P chart on my screen that sits right next to this one and it made over 800 today, so I may switch to that one.

 This is my mistake - the correct chart actually would have made 2600 - That won't happen again. Lesson's are expensive in this business.

 The Bond chart was on a roll today - the Fed Announcement volatility hit my stop. Still a good trade, but it could have been great - see how it took off right after I was stopped out... that's a couple thousand bucks right there

The new kid on the block. This chart was also set up to win - but the Fed announcement messed it up as well. As soon as I was stopped out, it continued moving down. This chart trades more during the middle of the day so that gives me some exposure to that as well.

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